Thursday, October 8, 2009

What would the world look like in 2050...

if we answered the call to save the planet?

This question was asked to several green leaders in a recent article from Whole Living Body + Soul Magazine in their going greener guidebook.

Jeffrey Hollender, the co-founder of Seventh Generation imagines, "A SHIFT FROM DISPOSABLE CULTURE. In 2009, we came to understand that any product that consumes resources or creates waste- yes, even recycled paper towels- isn't sustainable. Although we are proud that our original products did less damage than their conventional counterparts, we worked to change the portfolio of what we sold. For instance, when we think about laundry, we now focus on fibers less likely to get dirty than on how to constantly clean them. We've envisioned a diaper that consumes a tenth of the resources. Our need for bathroom tissue hasn't gone away, but today's TP helps clean and purify the water when you flush it. Bottom line: Anything that requires disposal at the end of it's life span has to provide a greater value beforehand."

Joel Salatin, author and proprietor of PolyFace Farms in Swoope, Virginia, claims that "A HEALING ETHIC PREVAILS... Healing- not money- serves as a primary success yardstick. Farms in 2050 enjoy a newly energized and vibrant soil community that has reinvigorated our plants to preindustrial-era nutritional levels. These nutrients satisfy our bodies so we no longer crave Twinkies and Dunkin' Donuts. Pasture-based meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs rich in carotenes and omega-3s stimulate our brains to reach their full genetic potential. This has induced creativity, learning, and emotional balance and has emptied out hospitals and pharmaceutical treasuries. With a healing ethic dominating the food system, the sacred farm-to-fork relationship has fostered a culture that respects and honors an animal's natural behaviors, the land, and the people who depend on it. Transparency- the inherent integrity created when neighbors can see what goes in the front door of a farm and what comes out the back- has fundamentally transformed our food system."

Creativity isn't only for the arts and technology. Let's start imagining where our choices that we make today can bring us in the future. A girl can dream can't she?

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